Originating from a region renowned for its captivating array of spices, Devassy Jose and Sons unfurled its banner in 1969, initiating a journey that would dominate the spice market in the entire Travancore area. Over the evolving currents of time and trade, a gradual transition occurred, leading us towards the expansive realm of the tea industry. By the culmination of 1983, we had seamlessly established ourselves as a brand synonymous with the discerning art of tasting, blending, and sourcing the finest teas for our clientele.
In the transformative year of 2007, under the adept leadership of Mr. Cecil Jose and Jose Prakash, we embraced a new market persona with the moniker Encils Global Beverages. Since then, we have consistently ranked among the top five buyers at South India Tea auctions, catering to a diverse clientele spanning across the length and breadth of India. Additionally, we extend our reach globally by exporting premium quality teas in bulk for B2B sales, both under our own brands and to discerning customers worldwide.
In 2015, we embarked on a new venture in the land of sleek skyscrapers. Catering to the palates of Kahwa enthusiasts, we introduced them to the novel and exotic experience of the finest milk teas, resulting in sheer delight. Our corporate presence flourished in the Jebel Ali Free Zone, identified as DJE AGRO DMCC, establishing itself as the premier tea brand catering to the entirety of the UAE. We firmly believe that sharing the very best is a form of spreading love. As we stand today, we eagerly anticipate expanding our reach to share impeccably brewed teas across regions such as Saudi Arabia, Africa, Iran, and Iraq.